β Honey and its benefits The honey bee was created based on an extraordinary social system in which there is the highest degree of cooperation and order and the highest degree of expertise and effort for the sake of the common good, which is the result of God’s creation, not a duty, so one of the signs of God’s greatness is social life. It is a bee and now its product is Honey is the focus of the discussion. Alnahel (Ψ§ΩΩΨΩβ)is one of the verses that is called the miracle of the Qur’an and scholars have also called it the scientific superiority of the Holy Qur’an. It is that God uses honey as a healing He mentions the people and says that what comes out of their bellies is wine of different colors in which there is healing for people. While at the time of the revelation of this verse, honey had no medicinal value except for its nutritional value, and the Holy Quran mentioned it more than 1400 years ago. Some scientists It has been said that the basis of the therapeutic value of honey is the presence of active enzymes that are quickly affected by heat and break down and become absorbable. For this reason, if we store honey for a month at 30 degrees or for a year at 20 degrees, most of its benefits will be lost, so honey should be kept in its natural state and should not be heated or stored in a place. kept warm word Mention In order for a person to be certain after hearing this verse that says: (Healing for the people), it is necessary to distinguish between the true honey that is intended by God, that is, Ali, which is taken from the nectar of flowers, and the honey that is made from water and sugar that is placed near the beehive. . Made to differentiate because the effect of artificial and fake honey is very low. While God says about the great effect of honey: (Fih Shafa’ for people) Detailed researches, studies and experiments have been done on the effects of honey on the digestive system, nervous system, skin and intestines, and research has been done on the relationship between honey and diabetes. And also its relationship with sensitivity, nerves, insomnia, allergies and the respiratory system, heart and circulatory system have been investigated and all body systems without hesitation this Bye Radar They get an immediate and positive effect from the natural honey that is extracted from the nectar of flowers. To make the reader more familiar with the benefits of honey, it should be said that God heals severe intestinal inflammation with honey. Honey is useful for the better growth of bones because it is absorbed very quickly and prevents the intestines from smelling bad, and it has a positive role in the functioning of the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract, and it is a very good medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcers, intestines and most diseases of the digestive system. Is. Honey does not cause problems for diabetic patients because its sugar is a single unit (monosaccharide) and is easily digested, and with the consumption of honey, nervous sensitivity and insomnia are quickly removed, and allergic and skin diseases are also cured by honey, which doctors today rely on Wounds put honey to heal quickly. Because the healing speed of wounds with honey is 3 times its normal healing speed. Instead of using expensive medicines, people should take advantage of this smooth and pleasant food, which God has placed many features in. Scientists are all Honey has been said: Honey has 70 medicinal substances, and it is like that eating honey has the role of a complete pharmacy, enzymes, useful elements, vitamins and 12 types of sugar, each of which has specific benefits, are present in honey, but other matters are still worthy of discussion and research. Because scientists have discovered things and things are still hidden from them God’s wonders in the world of creation Ant society remained.

viscous liquid food,

Honey is a sweet, viscous liquid food, golden in color, produced in the honey sacs of various bees from the nectar of flowers. Flavor and color are determined by the flowers from which the nectar is gathered. Some of the most commercially desirable honeys are produced from clover by the domestic honeybee. The nectar is ripened into honey by inversion of the major portion of its sucrose sugar into the sugars levulose (fructose) and dextrose (glucose) and by the removal of excess moisture.
Bees collect the nectar, add enzymes to break down the sugars, deposit it in honeycombs in the hive, fan it to evaporate excess moisture, and seal it with wax once it reaches the proper consistency. Honey has been used as a food and sweetener for thousands of years. Today it has many culinary uses and is also valued for its potential health benefits.
While made by bees, honey production often involves beekeepers managing hives, collecting honeycombs, extracting the honey, and preparing it for sale. So commercial honey production is a human-managed process.
The National Honey Board says honey starts out as flower nectar. Bees collect the nectar and deposit it into honeycombs, where it breaks down into simple sugars, aided by enzymes from the bees and the air circulation from the buzzing wings in the beehive. It then transforms into the honey we know and love.
Did you know? A typical hive contains about 60,000 bees. The worker bees of the hive, all female, will each make one twelfth of one teaspoon of honey in her lifetime! The color and flavor of honey will depend on its type of flower nectar. Wildflowers produce a darker honey, while other types of flowers may produce a lighter, sweeter honey. Bees across America use more than 300 types of flowering plants to make different varieties of honey. Because worker bees inevitably produce more honey than is necessary for their hive, beekeepers can collect the extra honey from the honeycombs, which ends up in our grocery stores and in our pantries. Honey contains about 18 percent water, is water soluble, and may crystallize between 50 and 65Β°F (10 and 18Β°C). Slightly acidic, it has mild antiseptic properties and has been used to treat burns and lacerations. As one of the most easily digested foods, honey is widely used in baked goods, candies, prepared fruits, cereals, and medicines. Honey’s history is as rich as its flavor. This natural sweetener has been prized by cultures across the globe for thousands of years. To ancient civilizations, honey was more than a treat – it was a precious resource.
As one of the sole sources of sugar available at the time, honey was a staple ingredient. It was used to brew mead, sweeten wines, and preserve fruit. The ancient Egyptians even relied on honey for embalming their deceased.
Honey’s medicinal merits also trace back through the ages. Ancient texts including the Bible and Qur’an reference honey’s holistic healing powers. From India to the Middle East, honey was a revered remedy and health elixir.
Over time, innovative techniques expanded how honey could be used. Flavors were blended to craft new delicacies, from honeyed cakes in Asia to fermented drinks in Europe. Though recipes evolved, honey’s special place through history endured. Honey gets its sweetness from monosaccharides, fructose and glucose, and its relative sweetness is the same as sucrose. [5][6] Honey has about 325 kcal of energy per 100 grams. Honey has the highest rank among foods in terms of having some fermenting substances in food exchanges and helping food digestion. Most microbes do not grow in honey, and for this reason, sealed honey does not deteriorate for thousands of years. Honey is also hard to spoil due to its specific acidity, a very small amount of water, and the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, it is easy to maintain, transfer and trade. Before the crystallization of sugar cane syrup and preparation of sugar, honey was the only food that was used by humans for sweetening. Consumption of honey is dangerous for children under two years of age due to the possibility of botulinum toxin. An important feature of honey is that it does not spoil in the long term. It is also used to prevent some ingredients from spoiling – for example, mixing blackberries with honey and turning them over every few days so the honey penetrates everything. In this way, the blackberries do not spoil for up to a year. Another note is that honey only loses its nutritional value if exposed to temperatures exceeding 60 degrees Celsius.
Honey is the only natural food that does not spoil.
The specific gravity of honey at 20 degrees Celsius is about 1.4-1.42 and its average pH is approximately 3.9, but can range between 3.4 and 6.1. Therefore, despite honey being an acidic substance, its sour taste is not noticeable due to its particular sweetness.
Compositions of Honey
Nutritional Value Per 100 Grams (3.5 Ounces)
Energy: 1,272 kJ (304 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 82.4 grams
Sugars: 82.18 grams
Dietary Fiber: 0.2 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Protein: 0.3 grams
Riboflavin (B2): 3% of DV (0.038 mg)
Niacin (B3): 1% of DV (0.131 mg)
Pantothenic Acid (B5): 1% of DV (0.068 mg)
Vitamin B6: 2% of DV (0.024 mg)
Folate (B9): 1% of DV (2 mcg)
Vitamin C: 1% of DV (0.5 mg)
Calcium: 1% of DV (6 mg)
Iron: 3% of DV (0.42 mg)
Magnesium: 1% of DV (2 mg)
Phosphorus: 1% of DV (4 mg)
Potassium: 1% of DV (52 mg)
Sodium: 0% of DV (4 mg)
Zinc: 2% of DV (0.22 mg)
Other Components:
Water: 17.10 grams
Therapeutic Properties of Honey
Treating Wounds and Burns
Honey is a traditional folk remedy and home treatment for burns and other skin injuries. Early evidence suggests that honey helps minor burns heal 4 to 5 days faster compared to other dressings.
Treating and Soothing Coughs
For chronic and acute coughs, a Cochrane review found no definitive evidence to conclusively recommend using honey or advise against its use. Antibacterial Properties
Honey has a long history of use as a topical antibiotic in traditional and herbal medicine. Potential Risks of Consuming Honey
Allergic Reactions
Allergic reactions can occur in those allergic to raw honey due to the pollen present. Symptoms of a honey allergy may include shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and tongue swelling. If any of these symptoms appear, it is best to stop using honey and see a doctor if symptoms worsen.
Weight Gain
Since over 90% of honey’s dry weight comes from sugars and carbohydrates, excessive honey consumption may lead to weight gain. It can also raise blood sugar levels, especially problematic for diabetics.
Infant Botulism
It is recommended to avoid giving honey to babies under 12 months. Raw honey may contain spores of Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which can be harmful to infant stomachs. However, adult stomachs can typically destroy this bacteria.

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